----------------------------------------------------------- HOWTO run X app in docker ----------------------------------------------------------- June 2022 Prerequisities: 1] docker 2] DISPLAY variable set (e.g.: export DISPLAY=:0.0) and tested so running X app would appear on display when run ----------------------------------------------------------- The problem: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1] We want to display X app from docker on host machine ----------------------------------------------------------- HOWTO solve it: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1] create file named Dockerfile --- CUT HERE --- # get latest debian FROM debian:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install bash x11-apps --- CUT HERE --- 2] build docker guest using: $ docker build -t "x11-test:latest" . 3] run the docker guest $ docker run -it \ --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \ -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \ --name=x11-test \ x11-test:latest \ /bin/bash 4] test it using: dokrmach$ xclock & ----------------------------------------------------------- Result: ----------------------------------------------------------- The xclock should appear on the host X display. Till next time...