__ __ ___ .-----.-----.-----| |_|__.' _.--.--. |__ --| _ | _ | _| | _| | | |_____| __|_____|____|__|__| |___ | |__| |_____| __ __ __ |__.--.--| |--.-----| |--.-----.--.--. | | | | <| -__| _ | _ |_ _| | |_____|__|__|_____|_____|_____|__.__| |___| Console Spotify Jukebox in Python | 20210714 SPoTiFy JukeBox |See install.txt for installation instructions Usage: type anything - play the first found album matching the text entered .k - move up in search history .j - move down in search history .s
- search for the keyword in search history .c - play currently selected album from search history .tn - next track .tp - previous track .p - go to previous search and play .n - go to previous search and play .l - go to last item in search history .f - go to first item in search history .d - delete album with given number from search history .g - go to given album from search history .h - go to and play given album from search history .r - go to random album .i - search for playlists and play it .w - search for show and play it .on - play on device number .a - recommendations .m - album tracks list .e - new releases .q - quit the program